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How to Improve Indoor Air Quality for a Healthier, Happier Home

If the air in your home feels dry and stuffy or you’re sneezing a lot, your indoor air might not be as clean as it should be. Here are five tips to help you improve your indoor air quality (IAQ).

Replace Your Air Filters

Your HVAC system air filters are the first line of defense against indoor air pollutants, as they capture dust, dirt, and bacteria. However, they only last for so long. You will need to replace the air filter every 30 to 90 days. It’s best to use a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter or one with a high minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV). Regularly changing your air filter can keep your indoor air clean while boosting your HVAC system’s efficiency.

Use a Humidifier to Moisten Dry Air

Winter causes the air to be dryer than usual. Dry air can take a toll on your health and comfort by causing issues such as irritated sinuses, cracked lips, and dry skin. Dry air is also notorious for making your home feel colder than it should.

That’s why investing into a humidifier can be a game-changer during the winter months. By adding extra moisture into the air, you can maintain a more comfortable indoor environment and improved IAQ. The healthiest relative humidity levels are usually around 30% to 50%. This is the right amount of humidity to prevent respiratory infection, reduce static electricity, and protect your wooden furniture and flooring.

Clean Thoroughly to Remove Dust

Pollutants, such as dust, dirt and dander, can accumulate much faster in winter. Be sure to vacuum your rugs, carpets and upholstery, as pollutants can become trapped in them. You will also need to wipe down surfaces to reduce dust circulation and regularly wash your blankets and bed linens to get rid of dust mites and other allergens.

Add Indoor Plants

Another way you can improve your indoor air during the winter months is to add indoor plants. Certain plants, like peace lilies, Boston ferns and spider plants, can naturally IAQ by absorbing toxins and increasing oxygen levels. However, you need to be careful when maintaining these plants. Overwatering them can encourage mold growth.

Schedule an HVAC Inspection

Every HVAC system needs to be inspected, and while you may be tempted to do it yourself, your best bet is to hire a professional. HVAC technicians are trained to catch things that other people may not notice. A thorough inspection can help you save money on costly repairs and premature replacements.

If you’re looking to improve your indoor air quality in Santa Barbara, CA, contact Crocker Refrigeration Heating & Air to book an appointment today!

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