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Air conditioner blowing air

Eco-Friendly Tips for Using Your Air Conditioner Responsibly in Summer

Summer brings on unbearable heat that causes you to run your air conditioner on high. However, constantly running it on high uses more energy than necessary to cool your home. Fortunately, there are eco-friendly ways to use your air conditioner during summer.

Adjust the Air Conditioner When Leaving

Turn off the air conditioner when leaving the house for several hours. If you have pets or want to avoid coming home to an oven, raise the temperature instead of turning off the unit.

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

Invest in a programmable thermostat that lowers and raises the temperature as needed. For example, you can set the thermostat to lower the temperature when you get off work.

Be Mindful of Your Filter

When purchasing a filter, a washable product catches more dust than cheaper products. You also want to create a monthly schedule for checking and washing or changing your filter. This allows your unit to blow more cool air into your home.

Keep Up With Maintenance

It is best to have your air conditioner inspected, cleaned, and tuned up once or twice a year. This way, you can ensure your unit is working and schedule necessary repairs by summer.

Provide More Shade at Home

Houseplants and window treatments create more shade inside your home. When you create cooler, shaded areas, you can turn down the temperature on your thermostat.

Use Fans and Windows at Night

Turning down the air conditioner’s temperature at night is a great way to save energy. When temperatures drop, open the windows, and use fans to circulate the cooler air.

Change Your Ceiling Fan’s Direction

If you have a ceiling fan, change the direction to counterclockwise. This allows you to cool the room without blasting the air conditioner. Otherwise, look into an oscillating fan or a box fan with a reverse switch.

Ensure Your Attic Is Insulated

Insulating your attic stops heat from spreading to the rest of your home. You can turn down the temperature and lower your energy bills by 20-60%.

Keep the Surrounding Area Clear

There should be about 18 inches of clearance on each side of your unit. You also need to ensure the area above the unit is clear. Finally, do not lean anything on the condenser unit. It is easier for air to circulate in a clear area.

Raise Your Air Conditioner’s Temperature

You can also save energy by turning the thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. While it may not sound as comfortable as 68 degrees Fahrenheit, every degree below 78 raises your bills by 3%.

It is possible to use your air conditioner while reducing your carbon footprint. When you need to schedule air conditioning maintenance, Crocker Refrigeration Heating & Air offers high-quality services throughout Santa Barbara, CA.

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